Cookie management policy

Update date: 5 March 2024

1- Definition: what are cookies?
2- List of cookies likely to be stored by this site
3- Third-party cookies

What are cookies?

Cookies are information stored on your device by a website when you visit that site. Cookies may involve the disclosure of information, either between you and us, or to a third party on our part or to a third party in accordance with its own confidentiality policy. We may use cookies to collect information about you. You can set your device so that it informs you each time a cookie is sent to you. You can also choose to deactivate all cookies. You can do this in your browser settings. Please consult the last part of these Terms and Conditions relating to cookies for more information on how to manage or deactivate browser cookies.

List of cookies likely to be deposited by this site

The cookies used by the City of Haguenau fall into 2 categories:

  • Necessary cookies
  • Audience measurement cookies/performance analysis cookies

Strictly necessary cookies for the good functioning of the website

These are cookies that are strictly necessary for the smooth running of the Festival du Houblon site.

Audience measurement cookies

These cookies are used to obtain information about how visitors browse the Festival du Houblon site. In particular, they make it possible to understand how visitors interact with the websites and to reconstruct their visits. 

The Festival du Houblon website tends to use the free and open-source Matomo software, which anonymises all the information collected and guarantees the confidentiality and protection of users' personal data. No cookies are stored for sites associated with this audience measurement.

Cookies from third parties

The Festival du Houblon website relies on the following third parties:

The features offered by these operators use third-party cookies deposited directly by the services integrated into our sites. This is especially the case for video playback.